Worldwide Infrastructure

Worldwide Infrastructure

Maximize Server Performance
One of the advantages of the cloud is that it is a global resource, accessible from anywhere - but there is still some importance to where you deploy your cloud servers.  JSB global data centres are located around the world in order to achieve the best performance and reaction time for your users.  For example, accessing a cloud server based in Hong Kong from a location in China will save latency time compared to accessing a similar server based in the U.S.
To maximize performance and give users the best experience possible, JSB has servers in 13 data centres worldwide; in New York, California, Texas, Toronto, Hong Kong, Amsterdam, London, Frankfurt and the middle East serving Asia and Africa.
For high traffic cloud servers, you can add a load balancer to distribute network traffic across different data centres.

Facilitate Data Recovery
Having access backup cloud servers located in different continents but managed from the comfort of your PC helps you to visualize and implement your data recovery.
You can manage international cloud servers independently with Cloud Web Management, our free server management portal, or we can do it for you to save you time and effort.

How it Benefits Your Operations:

  1. Keep performance high regardless of user location and regional traffic load
  2. Reliable data recovery
  3. One convenient control panel